eta/Dynaform 7.0 提供了完善的模具系统仿真解决方案,其流线型工艺流程设计提供了友好和直观的用户界面。冲压仿真过程完全基于实际的冲压过程,对用户的 CAE 知识及几何和网格操作要求较少。默认的模板参数和向导式的界面,较大程度的 read more
What Client’s Say
It is huge challenge for us to manage the precise assembly of thousands large parts in Aerospace, We've applied 3DCS as tolerance analysis tool in the early design stages to identify potential design issues in the product lifecycle, which help us save a lot of cost and we rely on tolerance analysis to support our objective to be best in class.
AVIC Group
ETA Wins the Innovation Award for the Accelerated Concept to Product (ACP) Process.
DYNAFORM Selected Best New Software Precision Metalforming Association (PMA).